In folkmagic Slippery Elm halts Gossip. This is because one of the compounds in slippery elm is Mucilage which coats and makes the mouth slippery. It can be used to stop gossip and slander and supposedly can make one impervious to it. It will stop back biting family members, jealous co-workers and false frinds who might want to make trouble in your love life. Some people will use some in the corners of their homes to rid the premises of evil. Another use is to make a charm to be worn about the neck of a child to help with learning speech and to be a persuasive speaker later in life. If you like you can tie a knotted yellow thread around slippery elm and throw it into a fire to cease all gossip about you. The herb can be useful in exorcism, protection, spell breaking and more. It may be of great service when attending ceremonies that demand long hours of chanting and praying.
Medicinally this tree was used for many medicinal purposes by Native Americans, and some traditional herbalists and alternative practitioners still rely on slippery elm for a wide range of health problems today including calming and upset stomach and soothing sore throats.
*Sold as a curio only
*External use only