Setting of lights is a service that consists of a 7 day candle dressed with the appropriate roots, dirts, herbs, petitions, items, powders and oils which is prayed over and worked daily with my spirits until its conclusion. You will receive pics at the start and the end along with a report of how spirit received the work IE: if all is well, if theres a block in the work exce. *you must include valid email address to receive images and report*
*You MUST include a messege/note with purchse with the clients full legal name and date of birth
This is one of the most important works done in hoodoo, rootwork & conjure. All your work and goals are all for naught if your path isn't open for that goal or if there are blocks standing in the way of it. Whatever your goal is this work will assist in achieving. Wether is be that job, that true love, that sucess, that loan, that move, that transfer, that travel, that money the path to goal must be open.
*This item is a Service, not a physical product you will recieve
*sold as a curio and for entertainment purposes only
Setting of Lights
My lights burned a little longer but there were no blockages. I was told what I needed to do ( connect with my ancestors and stop second guessing myself). Second guessing myself is something I've done my whole life, but once I took her advice and stopped, I saw an immediate change. I also started trying to connect with my ancestors more and I can def feel their presence.
Road opener light
Mawmaw is absolutely amazing at what she does. Only a short time after the candle finished new opportunities started to open up, some leading into life changing possibilities! She was attentive and fast acting, she takes her time finding the right herbs and curios to fit you and your needs A+++ worksmanship !!