Organic Lemongrass 1oz
Primitive Roots ConjureA two-sided herb: on the one hand calming, good for deepening meditation or trance. Excellent to add to a general "Power" formula for general ritual work. On the other hand it has been used by some as a hexing herb primarily aimed at making someone's life complicated and full of problems. Lemongrass is used in spiritually cleansing the home and is found in such products as Van Van oil and Chinese Wash. Said to help cleanse out jinxes and scrub away residual negative energy in a home or business. One of the main ingredients in Van Van oil and Chinese Floorwash it clears up any obstacles standing in your way and as such has developed a reputation for being an important ingredient in Road Opening magical work, and it also is known to help in changing bad luck to good-making it especially popular with those who have been afflicted by negative conditions.
*Sold as a curio only
*External use only