When it comes to magical uses, myrrh has a wide variety of applications. In fact, the possibilities are nearly endless. Because the scent is fairly strong, it’s often used in conjunction with other herbs or resins, like frankincense. Associated with purification and cleansing, you can use myrrh in a number of different ritual and magical contexts. Try one or more of the following:
Burn myrrh, combined with frankincense, in rituals related to banishing. In some magical traditions, myrrh is incorporated into workings to nreak hexes or curses. or for protection against spiritual attack
You can also blend myrrh into an incense to use for purifying your space or to consecrate magical tools and other items.
In ancient Egypt, myrrh was often used as an offering to the goddess Isis, so if you’re doing a ritual calling upon her for assistance, incorporate myrrh into your celebration. And of course in the Bible Myrrh was one of the 3 sacred gifts presented to baby Jesus.
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