Lucky Green Money Rice 1oz
Primitive Roots ConjureThis is my home-made Lucky Green Money Drawing Road Opening Rice! Rice is a symbol of wealth and luxury in many cultures around the world. Lucky Green Rice is used to bring wealth, prosperity, good luck, business success in spells, bottles and mojo bags. Sprinkle around your place of business and in your cash register to bring an added boost to sales. You can also put some of the rice in your wallet or purse to attract money. If you want good news or if you are expecting money through the mail place some in your mailbox. Put some rice on the telephone receiver to bring good news. Sprinkle some under door mats or place some of the rice in an open container near the front door.
*External use only
*Do Not ingest or use internally
*Sold as a curio
*Image is of master bottle and is not representative of what you will recieve.
Money rice
This is amazing our income tax has multiplied my husband has been getting more tips and his job this stuff is amazing!
Staple in all money works
Needed to refresh my pot after getting a sample a while back ago. This rice worked so amazingly the first time, I just couldn't go without it so I waited until I reordered so I could do it right.
Lucky Green money Rice
Really cool. I love all the glitter in it. Can’t wait to use it and try it out.