Kola Nut Powder 1oz
Primitive Roots ConjureEveryone has heard of kola nuts but few are aware of it. It used to be the main ingredient in "Cola" tho now a days the flavor is highly synthetic and the natural nut is rarely used.
In West Africa, Kola enjoys a much revered status as a sacred plant. 'Kola brings life' is a common saying in West Africa where Kola nuts are ceremonially shared as a sign of peace and honour, to welcome friends or strangers, to seal agreements and even to seek favour with the family of one's bride to be. Kola nuts can be used to enhance concentration and mental clarity during long rituals and meditation. They can energize prayers or spells. Kola nuts are generally considered as a bringer of peace and may help reaching a decision or agreement among a group of people. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac. It is used during ceremonies related to marriage, child naming, installation of Chiefs, funeral and sacrifices. Kola nuts contain a lot of caffeine so it is also used to to speed up and bring energy to workings.
*Sold as a curio only
*External use only