Indigo Water Blue Wash 6oz
Primitive Roots ConjureIndigo Water, or as I call it Blue Wash is a staple in many traditions and practices. It's a blend of waters & cologne waters including holy water mixed with blue anil and cascarilla. This is my go to for spiritual purification and cleansing. In some traditions like Espritismo a bowl of this water is kept on the floor near altars to cleanse and purify the area as well as ones self by splashing it on your head and body. It is also used on Bovedas, in baths and floorwashes. I like to put some in a spray bottle and use it to clean my sacred spaces, spray on doors or just in the air to cleanse my space.
*sold as a curio only
External use only
I like very much!
Used in a bath so far, but haven't had the opportunity to use farther yet! It smells really good!
Didn't even have to open the bottle!
Smells amazing! I had a bottle of Indigo Water for about two weeks before it turned from blue to white! It was so bizarre I contacted Munu Midnight and she said it probably absorbed some negative energy which makes sense. I got fired from my job the past weekend and through divination I found out that my ex boss sent a caca spirit after me. Whether it was intentional or not the Indigo Water sucked up all the caca energy and sent that spirit away. I have many of Munu Midnight's protective curios around my bedroom, in my car and in my handbag. No evil spirits will mess me!