Condition FloorWashes are another conjure/spirit staple along with spiritual baths. All your hard work will be for naught if your home isn't clean spiritually. FloorWashes are alleged get rid of all the energetic caca in your space and bring in the good beneficial energies. Suggested to be used together IE: after you remove negativity you'd follow up with a FloorWash to attract and bring in the positive energy. But they are not just for floors! Can be used on doors, door jams, window frames, walls, cabinets exce just to name a few. Each bottle comes with instructions and ideas for use.
Check the box of the floorwash you'd like. If you select more then 1 ADJUST the quantity of bottles at the bottom
Uncrossing FloorWash:
Do you feel crossed up? Think someone has thrown a hex at you? Is everything just going wrong? I highly suggest everyone cleanse their house atleast once a month with uncrossing floorwash to keep your space tip top.
Remove negativity Floorwash:
Is your space just heavy and negative feeling? Have a pesky spirit hanging around? Are arguments in your house frequent? This is the floorwash to cleanse and remove those negative energies
Protection Floorwash:
This one is excellent for doors and windows especially. Keeps your home shielded and secure
Sweet Home Floorwash:
This is the one favoured by my spirits. They ask atleast once a week to cleanse with sweet herbs. This FloorWash will assist in bringing all the good stuff into your home. Prosperity, success, love, friendship and all the good energies
Prosperity FloorWash:
This one is for drawing in money and for financial stability into your home. Excellent for doors and porches
*Sold as a curio only
*This is NOT a bath
*Do not ingest, keep out of reach of children
*Since these are 100% plant based Either Pinesole or vinegar have been added as a stabilizer and preservative
Works Well
These are really nice and work well. I love the creative labels. They smell good too.
Sweet Home Floor Wash
Amazing experiences with another one of your floor washes. Days after use my son got a pet he's been wanting for months and his dream job!
Sweet Home Floor Wash
This is my first purchase and it won't be my last. The floor wash smells wonderful - I could feel the energy change in my home when I used it. Thank you!
Floorwash is amazing
Love it and I will definitely will be buy more, highly recommend it
Sweet Home Floorwash
Beautifully crafted with care and intention and you can tell just by opening the package! The energy that came from the box alone was just wow. This floorwash immediately calmed everyone's energy in our house even the high-strung pets! Mawmaw knows what she's doin' y'all!