Custom Spirit Dolls Munecas
Spirit dolls are a part of many traditions, especially amongst the ATR (African Traditional Religion) practitioners. They are utilized with Orisha traditions such as Regla de Ocha, Lucumi, Ifa and Santeria. They used in Palo for Mpungo, 21 Division, Vodou and in certain instances in Espritismo Cruzado. Use the contact form to issue the creation of your custom and totally personalized spirit doll. I can create a custom Muneca for your particular spirits caminos or path.
*NOTE These dolls do not come "loaded" with any mysteries or spirit. It is up to the purchaser to perform the necessary ceremonies
Legal disclaimer: Law states that Spells, Readings and Paranormal items are for entertainment purposes. You agree that the purchase of our products or services is subject to your own interpretation and is not intended as a substitute for any legal, financial, psychiatric and or medical services. Please buy with caution. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase. We accept No liability or responsibility for any paranormal activity that may or may not occur due to the use of our products or services.
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