Camphor, or cinnamomum camphora, is extracted from the Camphor tree, a close relative of cinnamon. Long considered a very sacred plant with healing powers, the Camphor tree has been revered in many cultures.Spiritually, camphor is very healing. It can give you a sense of liberation from your obligations. Camphor can also uplift the mood, especially to a higher, more spiritual vibration.
Camphor is especially useful for dispelling negativity, fear, malicious spirits and cowardice. Associated with the warrior angels, Camphor can banish timidity and fearfulness. Camphor is useful when going into stressful situations or conflicts. Use when going into battle—whether it’s a physical fight or another kind of challenge competing against others. Camphor is classically used for spiritual cleansing and purification. If intrusive energies or harmful entities are attaching to you, Camphor can eliminate such forces from your life and cleanse your aura. These qualities combine to make Camphor very useful for protection as well.
Camphor can be used to purify objects and tools as well, especially for items and power objects that are used in ritual magic. Camphor can also help purify and cleanse new spaces like homes, apartments or offices. Burn 1 Camphor square on a charcoal disk in your new space in order to rid it of old, stagnant or harmful energies that may be lingering from the previous tenant or to remove malicious spirits in your space.
You are purchasing 1 block of 4 camphor squares
*External use only
*sold as a curio only