Blessing Oil .5oz
Primitive Roots ConjureBlessing Oil is intended to be used by those who wish to align themselves with a higher power and strengthen their faith. Blessing oil is considered to be one of the older blends that has been used as a means to help heal and aid the vulnerable and purify and cleanse a person or particular environment. It is also wonderful to use when you simply wish to gain the blessings and favor of a particular deity or God. Use to bless a new home or child. Use this oil to also help gain a blessing into your life, new job, child, home, car, what ever you desire. Annoint altars and ritual tools to make them sacred. One of my favorite tricks is to add some of this oil to a potted plant and gift it to someone in need of blessings or to bless a new home.
*External use only
*Do Not ingest or use internally
*Sold as a curio
*Image is of master bottle and is not representative of what you will recieve.
Brings in blessings
I used this oil for a few days on my hands, and won two competitions at my school. That hasn't happened before. This oil rewards hard work and prayers with many blessings. Things just come together perfectly since I used this oil. I also like the smell and makes me feel calm.